What Is Thematic Relevance In Internet Marketing?

Every part of a website, from how it’s set up to the keywords chosen, the content, and more, will have an impact on search engine optimization (SEO) for that website. It is crucial to be aware of this, as well as what can positively or negatively impact the SEO, and of what changes can be made to help the page rank higher.

When a website is being designed, keeping thematic relevance in mind can help the website rank higher for broad and narrow keywords, enhancing the overall ranking of the website. This will ensure more traffic, views, and opportunities to convert visitors into customers.

What Is Thematic Relevance?

Thematic relevance is the establishment of an overall theme for the website through targeted keywords. The pages on the website should be tied together with these keywords, so every page on the website is connected and relevant.

In most cases, this is done automatically as the website is being created. A website that sells books, for instance, will have keywords relating to books throughout the website that lead to the main overall theme of books.

Books, in this example, would be the main theme of the website, and keywords associated with that would be used throughout the website. For instance, there might be one page about non-fiction books, another about fiction books, and another about kids’ books.

All relate back to the main theme of books, even though each page is based on a more narrow keyword. Pages linked from these can have the next level of keywords, such as autobiographies under non-fiction books, which still fits under the theme of books. @ dyifo


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